Hello and welcome to my page. I go by Tabby Kazuki. I'm a self taught artist/animator who has been doing art since 2006. I tend to do more artwork than animations. So you'll see that more often.

Tabby Kazuki @FoxMew4044

Age 27, Any


A School

Ville D'or

Joined on 2/17/19

Exp Points:
289 / 400
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.55 votes
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> 100,000
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FoxMew4044's News

Posted by FoxMew4044 - December 17th, 2021

I think I've finally cooled down enough but I know one thing for sure I hated children before now I really hate children they really shouldn't be allowed on the internet especially on sites that host adult content but still please don't come to me with your problems with someone else. Talk them like an adult. If you two can't then take up with ever runs said site. I don't mind helping others but I don't need the stress. My life is stressful as it is already been adult. I'm not this all knowing God or anything just a human trying to live a stress free life as much as possible. So all I'm asking to leave me out of it.


Posted by FoxMew4044 - December 5th, 2021

The reason why I feel stuck/ not improveing with my art because I lost my passion for life. Looking back on my childhood before my life went down hill. I realized the joy I had just being alive and enjoying life without any worries on how my life would be or how others think of me but after that day I turn away from life. From everything. I didn't realize it the time how foulsish I was being nor how to handle my emotions but that's how a teenager's mine works. I guess? What I'm trying to say is live your life to the fullest. Yes those demons are always gonna be there no matter what. The anxiety, the depression, the content need for others approval. They won't go away because scars never heal. We just learn to live with them.



Posted by FoxMew4044 - November 22nd, 2021

I can't keep doing this. It's doesn't matter how much what I do or how much time I put in my art nobody seems to be interests in it. Maybe I should start drawing more NSFW art? Then will Others start careing? Probably not since I'm invisible to everyone online and in real life but it's so tiring to do all this work and nothing to show for it. I'm not artists but a wannabe that knows nothing but failer. So why try anymore and if any of you say just be positive. I ask how when I have nothing but my art? So tell me how dose one live when they lost everything and been trying for years to get it back but can't?



Posted by FoxMew4044 - November 19th, 2021

First off before anything this just me being impatient, can't can't get things off my mind, and the lack of sleep since it's nearly 3 in the morning as I type this. So I apologize for the bitch feast. I'm not sure how to put this without being nasty about but what is so unappealing about my art? Is it because I don't do NSFW nor take commissions? The whole commission thing is do to a simple fact of me working in retell and having a lot of stress and if I took commissions on top of that the quality would drop quickly and if you pay close attention to my art you can tell what mood I'm in. For the NSFW part I'm really not into that stuff. I mean I can and have drawn it before depending on mood but I don't want to relay on it just to get somewhere. I've just grown tired of doing this of 9+ years now. So just tell me what I'm doing wrong and I'll try to improve. Please don't worry I'll be fine once I get some rest plus I'm to much of a stubborn bitch to quit anyways. Yay.....



Posted by FoxMew4044 - October 18th, 2021

I just finished downloading Krita and the drivers for my tablet but unfortunately I wasn't able to download a video editing software nor audio program since there wasn't much memory on said laptop. I'm afraid if I delete any more programs that I might actuality delete something important to keep the laptop running. So I won't be able to get any new chapters of Sweet Life out until I'm able to get a new laptop. All I can do type out chapters and storyboard them for now but "HOPEFULLY" soon I'll be able to get chapters out again.


Posted by FoxMew4044 - September 21st, 2021

I know that I haven't posted In the past couple of months or so but my laptop has hit the rocks. So I've been doing traditional art since then. Why haven't I posted any? You may ask. Well I really rather have my most best works on this account and traditional isn't my thing anymore. So I've become quite rusty over the years. Also I can't get the colors the way I want them to be with the art becoming a mess.


Posted by FoxMew4044 - August 3rd, 2021

iu_376285_7311708.webpI got a bird yesterday. His name is Makuwa. Follow me on Twitter for more updates TabbyKazuki



Posted by FoxMew4044 - July 1st, 2021

Not sure how many of you are taking part of this year Artfight but feel free to attack and I'll attack back as soon as possible



Posted by FoxMew4044 - February 11th, 2021

I'm currently working on a animated series at the moment and since I can only upload with my phone at the moment episodes will be uploaded on YouTube frist until I have time to go to the library to upload them here. Probably be a day or 2 after they go up. IDK. Hopefully not long of a wait.



Posted by FoxMew4044 - February 8th, 2021