- your anatomy and proportions are all over the place and faces aren't centered on the actual head sometimes, remember to flip your canvas while you draw. practice drawing from life so you can have a better idea of perspective and how objects actually have volume and mass.
- your colouring needs improvement, but it's not terrible. but it's dragged down by the next listed thing>>
- your shading needs a lot of work since it doesn't help define shapes or where light is coming from nor where a character actually is. also you shade with black and white and that's no good unless you're doing greyscale. shift the hue, saturation and then the brightness of your colour. (ex, shade a bright green with a more dark and blue version of the colour you had)
so yeah, the issue isn't any of the stuff you thought it was. it's just you needing to work on your fundamentals more. they go a long way
To be frank with you, I really don’t know.
It takes a lot of time to become popular when it comes to art, sure yes it stings when you feel like you’re just being ignored, but trust me, you will get recognized some day.
Now, when it comes to your examples to why you might not appealing to some.. I can tell you that doing commissions / requests won’t help much, believe me, I’ve tried to do that, yet people only took up my requests when I was still a beginner and after that, a short few of my friends took them up.
But when it comes to NSFW, it’s harder to explain, too hard for me, actually, I think Inciniumz explains it best.
So keep trying, keep practicing and keep improving, I know you’ll get somewhere, someday.
I'm not looking for popularity. I'm just looking for feedback.